The LGBT Hero We've Been Waiting For?

The LGBT Hero We've Been Waiting For?

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Comics Alliance: The Trouble With Character Ev-poe-lution

Phil Noto: Wedding Photographer
This passage from today's Comics Alliance article by Andrew Wheeler is just spot on:
Still, I cross my fingers and wish for a gay hero like Poe Dameron; for the kids he could inspire, and even the adults who never had that, and whose confidence could use a boost. But wishing won’t make it happen. It’s up to companies like Marvel and Lucasfilm, and their parent company Disney, to acknowledge and accept that same-sex relationships deserve to exist in their worlds. 
Maybe this time it’s real, and we exist, and we matter. Maybe Poe Dameron is our hero.
Wheeler makes the fair point that Poe was not originally scripted to survive TFA's first act, much less be gay. Nevertheless, the synergy between Isaac's charismatic performance and the surge of positive fan response could be capitalized upon and incorporated into Ep. VIII script revisions...
... if it wasn't for the Poe Dameron comic that comes out in just a couple of months. *sad trombone*

If it's true that Poe was not originally conceived as a gay character, is there reference to Poe's orientation built into the comic plot? If so, can Marvel feasibly accommodate a shift in Poe's character from straight to gay? Would they even if they could?

It'd be a shame if there was a consensus between the fans and the creative team to change Poe's character, but timelines and production schedules made it impracticable.